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20TH AUG 2024

New Enrichment Clubs and Activities Launched for 2024 

Latest News Important Updates for Students
Enrichment 2024
Enrichment 2024

Our students spoke, and we listened! From September 2024 we’re pleased to share a whole new approach to enrichment, activities and clubs at GC with a huge new programme of things that you can get involved in.  

What is enrichment? 

Enrichment is our term for a huge range of clubs, activities and trips that we offer across our campuses.  

Essentially, it encompasses all the fun, social things you can look forward to alongside your college course. If you’d like to introduce something new, we can support you in establishing your own society too. 

It’s a great chance for you to discover new hobbies and test your skills. You can make new lifelong friends, and most importantly, have fun! 

What does enrichment cover? 

Enrichment covers all sorts of areas, so there’s bound to be something that you'll want to get involved in!  

Clubs and activities focus on:  

  • Sport 
    This includes clubs like multisports, badminton, and football so you can stay active on campus! 
  • Clubs and Societies 
    From Film Club and mindfulness sessions to the popular D&D groups and the LGBTQUIA+ society, this covers all sorts of lunchtime clubs.
  • Additional Skills, Awards and Training 
    Did you know you can also gain extra skills for your CV through enrichment? You could learn to code, get qualified as a lifeguard, or get introductions to cookery or beauty skills.  
  • Trips and Residentials
    Think cinema trips, theme parks, galleries, sports sessions and even trips abroad! 

Please note that some activities and trips are linked to a particular course or department, whilst some are open to all students. Ask your lecturer or Student Mentor for more information. 

Check out the full programme for 2024/25

Enrichment Programme 2024/25