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Find out how to tender for projects and be a supplier for Gloucestershire College.


Rules and Regulations

All tender opportunities with a contract value at or above the Gloucestershire College tender threshold and are open to bids from the entire supply market will be published on Contracts Finder and on the College’s preferred e-tendering portal, In-Tend.

Contract opportunities that have a value that exceeds the Public Contract Regulations threshold will also be published on the Find a Tender Service (FTS).

Contract notices on both Contracts Finders and FTS will direct potential tenderers to the In-Tend tendering portal to allow them to express an interest in the opportunity whereby the documentation is then forwarded to them electronically.

How do I find out about opportunities?

Suppliers should check the In-Tend system for current and forthcoming contracts. You can email our purchasing team for more details on specific contracts.

Contracts over the Public Regulations thresholds are advertised on Contracts Finder and the Find a Tender Service. Prospective contractors and suppliers should visit these websites regularly to find details of new opportunities or contact purchase.ledger@gloscol.ac.uk.

Where can I get further information?

If you are seeking information regarding a specific contract, please use the contact details provided in the advert or contract notice and tendering details.

General information on the tendering process and procurement at Gloucestershire College can be obtained by contacting purchase.ledger@gloscol.ac.uk.